SoundPLANnoise 8.0 Released

SoundPLANnoise 8.0 Released

SoundPLAN International LLC and SoundPLAN GmbH, together with Marshall Day Acoustics, are pleased to announce the release of SoundPLANnoise 8.0. This new version is revolutionary and evolutionary at the same time!

The indoor applications with the new SPD (Sound Particle Diffraction) model is the revolutionary part.

For users with the industrial noise and the indoor factory noise module, SPD allows users to model noise in a completely new fashion. SoundPLANnoise 8.0 can model what no other software could; in one model you can calculate the noise maps of multiple rooms or entire buildings with the transmission of the airborne noise!

If you have to evaluate problems on the factory floor with capsuled machines or enclosed operator stands, or must determine if working conditions are acceptable in offices adjacent to a noisy bottling plant (for example) or in a noisy call centre with hundreds of people on the phone, or if you must model a hotel lobby with a complicated 3D design, SoundPLANnoise 8.0 and all future versions will be able to model these situations.

The evolutionary part is that editing objects in the GeoDatabase is now much more logical - no more confusing left and right mouse button because everything – coordinates and attributes – is now in the same location. For editing of objects, when you open the object, the attributes and the coordinates are visible in the same box. Below is the box for a building as an example.

SoundPLANnoise 8.0 is the foundation for future generations of SoundPLANnoise. Speech intelligibility and other noise descriptors requiring phase information during the transmission will be added next. With this more complex model, SoundPLAN bridges the gap between the standard outdoor models and the models that evaluate the sound quality.

Like every new version of SoundPLAN, a lot of fixes, refinements and improvements have been made. The new calculation method CNOSSOS-EU is included in this new version. 

Other developments and features include the following. Some of these will require specific modules:

(1) New editors for the industrial building
(2) Indoor calculation based upon a sound particle model
(3) Objects coordinates integrated in the object dialog
(4) Calculation of loudspeaker arrays of d&b audiotechnik GmbH taking interferences into account
(5) Groups for all sources in the Result Tables, Spreadsheet and the Graphics - Contour Maps by Groups or Frequency
(6) Connection to Web Map Servers (WMS)
(7) Connection to online data services (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps)
(8) DGM with continuous colour flow Geo-Database 3D Map
(9) Improved legend presentation
(10) TNM v3.0 road model (to be released within coming weeks)

For existing users with current upgrade and maintenance (U&M), the 32 bit version is available for download now.

Please find the download link for SoundPLANnoise 8.0 here: After completing the installation, please download and install the current update and the demo projects.  

The 64 bit version will be available on the DVD. Please send us an email at with your mailing address if you would like to receive (1 DVD per company). We expect the DVD to be available early September. 

For customers who are not currently with SoundPLAN maintenance, please contact us if you are interested in upgrading to SoundPLANnoise 8.0.



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