COVID-19 Communication

COVID-19 Communication

To our valued clients and friends,

In response to the rapidly changing situation in Australasia and internationally regarding COVID-19, we wanted to let everyone know that we are planning on business as usual, with a few amendments to suit.

Even though the Government has yet to make the call, we are taking the following steps to minimise the risk of transfer to both our staff and the wider community:

  • As of Monday 23 March, staff in our Australian and New Zealand offices are working remotely. Our work practices already include remote working, and we are well placed to continue this efficiently

  • We're avoiding all unnecessary travel and will be using online conferencing in place of face-to-face meetings for the foreseeable future. During this time we will make use of email, phone and virtual collaboration tools (eg. Microsoft Teams) to continue our normal consulting activities
  • Scheduling and completion of site surveys will be subject to practical constraints and restrictions, including government recommendations and policies, and Marshall Day’s own health and safety policies
  • The level of site work that can be done will be dependent on the office and the project. In New Zealand, our site visits will be limited to those facilitating "essential services"

On behalf of the team at Marshall Day, we thank you for your understanding. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries on how we will be working with you in the coming weeks.

Stay safe and well.



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Listening Room Update - Vibration

Listening Room Update - Vibration


The Listening Room in our Auckland office offers clients the opportunity to experience acoustic environments before they have been realised. The recent updates include a new vibration rig, which allows for a totally immersive acoustic experience. Clients will now be able to experience vibrations as they would in the real world.
