Cheers to 40 Years!

Cheers to 40 Years!

Cheers to 40 Years!

It was this time, 40 years ago, that Marshall Day Acoustics first came to life in Auckland, New Zealand as an acoustic consulting business. Officially established on 1 April 1981 (no joke!) by Sir Harold Marshall and Christopher Day, the company has evolved over the years to become one of the world’s largest acoustic engineering companies.

Our growth is in part thanks to our dedicated and passionate employees, with a special mention to Keith Ballagh and Peter Fearnside, as well as our fantastic clients spread across various industries and parts of the world.

As we stop to reflect on our growth and accomplishments, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been involved in helping Marshall Day Acoustics to reach 40 years of success. It’s been quite a ride! Today, we celebrate this exciting milestone for our company and look forward to the next 40!



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Performing Arts Centre at Diocesan School for Girls

Performing Arts Centre at Diocesan School for Girls


We are excited to announce that the new Diocesan School for Girls Performing Arts Centre has reached completion! Congratulations to all of our project partners!
